Constitutional Development
Constitutional Development Pakistan Knowledge Online MCQs for General Knowledge Test Preparation with answers key, This Online Test will help you to prepare Mcqs test for job interviews, recruitment test, Initial Test of Army, Navy, Air Force and All ISSB Test preparation with answers key, this online test will help you to prepare for admission in college/universities, Army, Air Force, and Navy Selection Centres and Join Defence Forces. In the Constituent Assembly, there were two parties, Muslim League representing the Muslims and party representing Hindus in Pakistan. Congress was the first Prime Minister of Pakistan. Liaquat Ali Khan The Objectives Resolution was presented in Constituent Assembly by . Liaquat Ali Khan The Objectives Resolution was passed on March 12, . 1949 According to the Objectives Resolution, there will be form of government. Federal According to the Objectives Resolution, Judiciary shall be . Independent The Basic Principles Committee (BPC)was formed on March 12, 1949 to draw the future constitution of Pakistan by Governor-General . Khawaja Nazimuddin The draft of constitution prepared by the BPC was presented in the Constituent Assembly on September 28, 1950 The draft constitution proposed form of government. Federal The draft proposed two houses, i.e. House of Units and House of the People