Kingdom Animalia – MDCAT Biology, Chapter 10 – Level 2


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Kingdom Animalia - Level 2

Chapter 10 - MDCAT Biology - Test Preparation MCQs

Read these Multiple Choice Questions of Kingdom Animalia MDCAT Chapter 10 and start the online test.

  1. Sponges, excurrent pores through which water leaves the body are called:Osculum
  2. In sponges, contractile flattened cells forming the epidermis are called:Pinacocytes
  3. In sponges, flagellated cells lining the inner hollow cavity are:Choanocytes
  4. Spongocoel divided into secondary chambers is of:Sycon type
  5. Spongocoel divided and re-divided into secondary and tertiary chambers is of:Leucon type
  6. In sponges amoebocytes are gelatinous mesenchymal cells present between:Pinacocytes and Choanocytes
  7. In sponges, the fertilized egg develops into free swimming larva called:Amphiblastula
  8. A sexual reproduction takes place by:Gemmule formation
  9. Phylum porifera is commonly called as:Cnidaria
  10. Coelenterons means:Hollow gut cavity

1 / 10

1. Spongocoel divided into secondary chambers is of:

2 / 10

2. In sponges amoebocytes are gelatinous mesenchymal cells present between:

3 / 10

3. Sponges, excurrent pores through which water leaves the body are called:

4 / 10

4. In sponges, flagellated cells lining the inner hollow cavity are:

5 / 10

5. Phylum porifera is commonly called as:

6 / 10

6. In sponges, contractile flattened cells forming the epidermis are called:

7 / 10

7. A sexual reproduction takes place by:

8 / 10

8. "Coelenterons" means:

9 / 10

9. In sponges, the fertilized egg develops into free swimming larva called:

10 / 10

10. Spongocoel divided and re-divided into secondary and tertiary chambers is of:

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